What We Focus On

Season #3 Episode #2

We'll discuss how the topics we choose to focus on not only shape our learning but also expand and grow in significance.

We'll also delve into the importance of gratitude, reframing our experiences to see the amazing opportunities they present. Don't miss our recommendation for the Gratitude episode from the Hidden Brain podcast for further insights.

Understanding the mind's power is crucial, so we'll discuss the article "Pain is a Message: How Our Brains Try to Protect Us" from Psychology Today, emphasizing how redirection and getting someone into their cortex can be key.

We'll address the difference between nurturing and coddling, particularly in parenting. How can we balance teaching independence without enabling dependency? This topic is geared toward parents and caregivers.

Finally, we'll confront the challenges of starting brainwork and examine why we sometimes focus on pain and injury. Are we stuck in a victim mentality? What needs are being met by constantly discussing our injuries?

Join us for an enlightening conversation on harnessing the power of focus, gratitude, and the mind.